Everything about enclosures
Thanks to everyday experience and continuous control over the entire manufacturing process, we are constantly improving technological, design and safety features of our patio enclosures and pool enclosures.
No matter which enclosure you choose, you can be sure that it will be precisely suited to your home and style.
When you need an enclosure – choose Pool and Spa Enclosures Company:
- The highest quality for a good price
- The widest offer on the market
- Bespoke solutions and individual approach
- Free consultations
- Up to 10 years of warranty (on selected models)
- Choice between polycarbonate or glass
- 6 colors of aluminum frames
- Safety options thanks to our sophisticated locking system
- Protection of swimming pools and patios against bad weather
- Extra features available
- Savings due to thermal insulation, reduction of costs on water heating
- Prolonging of the outdoor season and the swimming season